TAVLIT line of automatic disc filters model TVD
combines high quality depth filtration with efficient flushing of the disc element.
This unique automatic disc filter (patented), enables flushing at a very low pressure of 150kpa as compared to 300kpa normally required by such systems.

Automatic Filter Banks, Disc Filters, Filters & Injectors

TAVLIT line of automatic disc filters model TVD
combines high quality depth filtration with efficient flushing of the disc element.
This unique automatic disc filter (patented), enables flushing at a very low pressure of 150kpa as compared to 300kpa normally required by such systems.
The innovative technology of the filter uses venturi devices inserted at the spine’s inlets that introduce air during the flushing process to enhance it. The mixture
of air and water enables more efficient flushing, uses smaller quantities of water for flushing and shortens the flushing time. It also enables proper flushing at a
low pressure. The use of air also cushions the discs thereby reducing friction and prolonging the disc element life. The venturi devices inject air from the atmosphere and no external power or compressed air is required. The venturi devices are open only during flushing and do not operate during filtration.

Learn how TVD works

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